Sunday, November 2, 2014

Since Marijuana Legalization, Highway Fatalities in Colorado are at Near-Historic Lows

In an August, 2014 article titled, "Since Marijuana Legalization, High Fatalities in Colorado are at Near-Historic Lows," explains how the legalization has resulted in lower highway fatality rates. It makes sense that loosening restrictions on pot would result in a higher percentage of drivers involved in fatal traffic accidents having smoked the drug at some point over the past few days. A post-accident test for marijuana metabolites doesn't tell us much at all about whether pot contributed to the accident.

The best way to gauge the effect legalization has had on the roadways is to look at what happened on the roads since legalization. The data graphic on the right shows highway fatalities in Colorado in the first seven months of this year, last year, highest fatality figures since 2002, the lowest, and the average. Roadway fatalities this year are more down from last, and down from the 13-year average.

The data graphic below shows the total fatalities from January through July. Whats notable here is that the totals so far in 2014 are closer to the safest composite year since 2002 than to the average year since 2002. The continuing drop in roadway fatalities in Colorado is due to other factors including better built cars, improved safety features, and better road engineering. These figures only indicate that the roads are getting safer; they don't suggest that pot had anything to do with it.

Some researchers have even said that better access to pot is making roads safer. The theory is that people are substituting pot for alcohol because pot causes less driver impairment than booze. However, this is just a theory more research needs to be done for confirmation. 

Personalization is evident through the controversial content and the tailored related news articles presented. The controversial style of how this information is presented will allow readers to learn more. There are obviously prohibition supporters that will also be looking to read this article in addition to the legalization supporters. Topics like this will attract both audiences. At the end of the article there is related news article links placed together, which will be convenient for most marijuana readers. Social media sharing also allows for readers to personalize the article in their own way.

Social media integration, imbedded links, direct commenting, and a video at the end provide interactivity and content. There are multiple interactivity components portrayed in this article. Related information can be accessed in this article through the embedded links within the text opening to new windows. Right below the title of the article, are various social media icons so you can instantly share with friends. There are also comments at that bottom which allows readers to discuss and continue conversation with other readers. At the end of the article there is a video which explains the black market of marijuana which allows for better engagement with the topic.                             

Contiguity is demonstrated through the integration of text with the related data graphics throughout the article. Contiguity is apparent by having data graphics that directly relate to the title, and is easily understood with the content. There are two data graphics with explanations in the text that directly relate to the title of the article. The content is presented in an explanatory way with the data graphics coinciding with further explanation in the text. The data graphics are presented right when explained allowing readers to look and read easily at once. 

Kick-Outs are avoided with clear content, fast loading, and minimal advertisements. The article said the right amount of information while remaining on topic throughout the whole article. There was added information where there could have been a lack of understanding. There were various embedded links, none broken, within the text that led me to a new window instantly. There were no pop-up ads with a small amount of advertisements. However, some of the advertisements weren't loaded or really displayed. Related articles are at the bottom of the article which won't distract readers from the content halfway through the article. 

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